Allan Sharp Adventure
Mystery Novel in Ajijic Mexico
Allan Sharp Adventures evolve from Frankie Dupree’s Metaphysical Mysteries.
Allan, after years of world travel, skirting death and divorce has found Frankie again. Frankie has changed. She avoids adventure, choosing to live her tranquil brand of enlightenment. Her Mexican neighbors call her a Bruja, the neighborhood witch, living alone in an old Airstream travel trailer above the village of Ajijic. Frankie has retired from the world, both the corporeal and the ethereal.
Allan works to slow down and re-invent himself as Frankie’s partner. That kind of boyfriend. Allan struggles to get it right as Frankie releases her judgment. Neither are sure of the future but are learning to be okay with not knowing.
Allan says he does not look for trouble, but it always seems to find him. He is starting to value sitting in silence and the intimacy of just being with Frankie. Then he hears the rhythm of drumming and a bugle’s call to arms. The intoxicating adrenalin and the wave of dopamine sloshing between his synapses. He edges towards the abyss, towards the testosterone rush of his youth that slips away faster every year. He listens for one more mission, a favor to be returned, a promise to be kept. One more call to arms before the Sirens fade, before they no longer sing to him because he has gotten too old to hear their song.
Frankie is more skillful when choosing involvement or when to let it go. When to engage with the ephemeral, without losing herself to the spectral. She reminds herself it is not her cemetery and not her ghosts. Allan reminds her it is safe to be a consultant to the earthbound while keeping the door to the other side tightly locked. Ghosts only come if you call them.
Frankie sees things that Allan does not. Nuances in a fact pattern that allude him. Intuition, divination or a cosmic connection; still not clear to him, but the results are un-questionable. She is no longer his co-investigator and does not offer insights unless asked. Allan manages his ego, but it is easier, telling himself it is just part of his process. Using another resource, like a computer, but connecting to the netherworld-wide-web.
Frankie grows less resistant to his requests for consultation and not as fearful of being seduced by Allan to compromise her boundaries. They work to maintain this relationship sweet spot. He works the streets of Ajijic, and she confers over coffee. This change in their dance allows them to be more intimate in other ways. They are learning to Tango.